Вилла Hartland Estate
- Потрясающие виды на долину и далекие вулканы
- Полный рабочий день сотрудников и повар
- Большой пейзажный бассейн
- Романтический отдых Вилла
- Потрясающие вид на Рисовые поля
- Описание
- Фото-галлерея
- Бронирование
- Цены & Сезоны
- Местоположение
- Инфраструктура
- Сервис
- Схема виллы & Видео
- Аналогичные Виллы
- Описание
- Фото-галлерея
- Бронирование
- Цены & Сезоны
- Местоположение
- Инфраструктура
- Сервис
- Схема виллы & Видео
- Аналогичные Виллы
Вилла Hartland Estate находится на живописном склоне с видом на лоскутное одеяло из рисовых полей. У виллы роскошное расположение - всего в 10 минутах езды от центра Убуда, который считается сердцем острова Бали. 5 шикарные спальни, интерьеры от известного дизайнера и потрясающей красоты бассейн, окруженный тропической зеленью.
Вилла Hartland Estate расположена в саду площадью 6000 квадратных метров, спроектированном известным архитектором Ю Куаном (Комо Шамбала). Вилла Hartland Estate предлагает 3 кондиционированных люкса с одной спальней и люкс с двумя спальнями, все комфортабельно и красиво меблированы. Каждый люкс имеет свое собственное пространство и большой сад вокруг него. Три люкса сделаны из переработанных тиковых домов - "Joglo", Java дома и "Гладак". Каждый люкс с травяной крышей включает в себя просторную спальню с двуспальной кроватью, роскошную ванную комнату и большую деревянную террасу с зоной отдыха на открытом воздухе и открытыми пространствами для ранней утренней йоги или медитации. Ванная комната на первом этаже люкса Joglo более чем просторна и оснащена уникальным душем, от которого у вас перехватывает дыхание, и собственной деревянной террасой с видом на долину. Захватывающий!
Четвертый люкс "Marian's Cottage" - это лепнина с двумя спальнями, с большой верандой, служащей гостиной и и ведущей в главную спальню. Небольшая спальня с двуспальной кроватью взаимосвязана. Обе спальни имеют собственную ванную комнату и отдельные входы. В спальне с двуспальной кроватью также есть собственный внутренний дворик со столом и стульями с видом на пышные тропические сады.
Вилла Hartland Estate имеет не одну, а ДВЕ столовые! В задней части люксов находится полностью оборудованная кухня и уютная, удобная столовая под открытым небом, в то время как отдельный павильон расположен на крыше Дома у бассейна, откуда открывается потрясающий вид на реку, рисовые поля и горы, а также закат и далекий океан. К ней примыкает небольшая, но полностью оборудованная кухня, а под домом у бассейна - душ, ванная комната и гардеробная. Обеденный стол и скамейки в этом павильоне были сделаны вручную из больших кусков старого тика. Фактически, почти вся мебель была сделана вручную на месте из восстановленного тика или старого улина (железного дерева) ремесленниками из Java. Уникальный камень, представленный в Доме у бассейна, и некоторые ванные комнаты с острова Сумба.
Беседка для медитации расположена в укромном месте вниз по склону (в сторону садов для органических овощей и трав) под тиковым домом с далекими видами на вулкан и безмятежную долину. Вентилятор охлаждается большим удобным диваном, противомоскитной сеткой. (и, конечно, невероятные виды!) и построены в соответствии с принципами Фэншуй.
Поблизости можно заняться треккингом, прогулками по рисовым полям, походами на гору Батур, велосипедом, рафтингом, йогой, ресторанами, шоппингом, посещением знаменитой зеленой школы, ювелирной мастерской Джона Харди и местные художники. Наш консьерж будет рад помочь вам в вашей деятельности во время вашего пребывания.
Частная вилла также имеет свой собственный природный источник, из которого подается чистая пресная вода для бассейна, экологически чистых садов для овощей и трав и для домашнего использования.
Hartland Estate был представлен Гонконгским журналом домов < ! - span ->: Духовное отступление . Hartland Estate также был выбран в качестве одного из 4 лучших виллы для отдыха в аренду летом 2016 года.
Красивый дизайн Концепция этой уникальной частной резиденции в Кедеватане, Убуд, Бали, обусловлена сотрудничеством следующего -
Генеральный план: Тис Куан Чеонг
Архитектурный дизайн и внутренняя архитектура: Максимилиан Дженкель
Дизайн интерьера: Максимилиан Дженкель в сотрудничестве с Джейсоном Ламбертом
Главная кухня и обеденный павильон: Joost van Grieken
Украшение: Владелец
Ландшафтный дизайн: Кетут Садру и владелец
Отзывы недавних гостей:
Alva S. - India - rented Villa Hartland Estate in June 2022:
Hartland Estate is a true gem. From the time we entered to now, when we leave, it has only made our hearts happy. The views are incredible of course, but the tasteful villas complement it. The pool is a work of art and I wish we could have spent more time in it. Nyoman, Made, Dharmi, and Ayu are incredible in the kitchen—the chocolate cake was perfect! Wayan made our stay comfortable. The rest of the crew works beautifully to keep this place as gorgeous as possible. Really hope to be back soon.
Ana P. - USA - rented Villa Hartland Estate in May 2022:
It has always been a dream to come to Hartland and staying here felt like one of the best dreams. We have felt loved and taken care of not only by the beautiful homes and nature but by the always smiling staff who are like angels ready to care for all that you need. We leave feeling blessed and happy and will return.
Steen R. and Family - Germany - rented Villa Hartland Estate in January 2021:
We couldn’t have imagined a more inspiring, welcoming, and lovely place for arriving in Bali. Traveling from Germany and Holland was hectic, scary, and unpredictable due to Covid. However, we then arrive at Hartland—a place that’s heart-filled and warm. We will never forget. We will come back as we are sad that we have to leave. Send our love to the staff who did a wonderful job. The food was unbelievable!!!
Sam A. - USA - rented Villa Hartland Estate in January 2020:
This has been a fantastic 3 weeks—the meditations, the views, the food, and most of all, the people. All the guests loved it and felt recharged and ready to start the new year.
What a special place in the world. We will miss it as soon as we leave and are eager to return
Yuan O. - Singapore - rented Villa Hartland Estate in October 2019:
The service and friendliness were superb, there were good qualities about every villa/room, so they were all nice, with some being more spectacular. Overall everyone including myself were satisfied. Beautiful views, very convenient location, great food, great value. So there were too many things that stood out for the villa for me to pinpoint one. Also like the ‘eco’ approach to the place, with good toileteries, natural products, avoiding fumigation and pesticides etc. Would highly recommend.
Level of hospitality was superb. Everyone loved the food, and for me, the plant-based/vegan food was excellent. Food on the whole was far better than the restaurants we tried
Mark & Samantha K. - United Kingdom - rented Villa Hartland Estate in August 2019:
Hartland Estate made us feel like we went to heaven. We travel quiet a bit as a family (children ages 3 and 4) and have stayed at numerous 5 star villas but Hartland is on a complete different level. The estate is set on the most magical setting and the villa itself is built to perfection all the way down to every last detail. The furnishings and interior design are to die for. On top of the setting being so special; they have this staff that is next level. We stayed for one week and had so many requests and wishes on what we wanted to do within our short visit. Wayan made every single thing happen and it was always done swiftly and top of the line. The food and drinks were better than any other hotel or villa we've stayed at. I've already contacted them since returning home asking for some recipes of the meals they cooked for us - I know they won't turn out as well but I can dream! We will be back here many times in the years to come. Our week here was magical.
Jessica De R. - United Kingdom - rented Villa Hartland Estate in April 2019:
Dearest Villa Hartland and all her incredible, loving, beautiful and extraordinary staff.. We had a magical, magnificent, lovely, briliant, once in a lifetime stay in your heavenly villa. Thank you all for the food, the love and the best service that we had ever experienced.
Sam B. & Family - United Kingdom - rented Villa Hartland Estate in March 2018:
Magical Experience
To our Hartland Family, Your love, your humour, your grace, - you make Hartland what it is – so extra special. You are our Balinese family – we will miss you! Isabella, Sam, Bluey, Eva-Deva
Places like Hartland make me feel blessed to be alive. The natural environment has been integrated into your living experience here harmoniously. Not an easy feat. The staff are a glue to this magical experience.
From the heart… Thank you, Sam B.
Ingrid A. & Oliver B. - Singapore - rented Villa Hartland Estate in December 2017:
Spiritual Awakening
Having decided, my husband and I, to spend Christmas alone this year, we could not have been luckier. At Hartland we found a family feeling and a spiritual awakening. Thank you, Bud, for allowing other people to share a piece of your Paradise.
Mary Anne H. & Family - USA. - rented Villa Hartland Estate in May 2017:
Slice of Heaven on Earth
We have travelled to many places and met many wonderful people. A tiny few can compare to either the beauty of this place and the people here and fewer to the kindness we experienced. If you are reading this, you are one of the lucky few to share this little slice of heaven on earth. Thank you Bud, Chrissie, Wayan and each of the wonderful staff who made us feel so at home yet so special.
Robert F. J. - Australia - rented Villa Hartland Estate in November 2016:
Dear Hartland Estate, thank you for creating this amazing place! It was Magical! It has been our first time in Ubud, and I'm so glad we stayed here! The food is AMAZING, the pool is AMAZING, the whole place is AMAZING. It was magical, especially when there were fireflies on our last night!! Thank You!
Ippolito E. - Italy - rented Villa Hartland Estate in August 2016:
Dear Bud, Bali and your magnificent home here exceeded my wildest dreams. Your elegant attention to detail reaches perfection. How refreshing and wonderful! Your staff as well as the delicious food was beyond. In all honestly you are living my dream life and although I don't know you, I respect you profoundly. Thank you for sharing your safe heaven with us.
Leah S. - USA - rented Villa Hartland Estate in December 2015:
The villa, the staff, the location come together in such unison, that make your vacation absolutely perfect and unforgettable !!!! Take advantage of an amaizing cooking of Nyoman and Madde- no need to eat out! They are absolutely the best! The manager Wayan is very knowledgable and hires the best people in the area to accommodate your needs: from tour guide to a yoga instructor! The owner of the villa, Bud Hart, has created a very unique place- very upscale design in a spectacular setting, with the staff that becomes your family almost instantly!!!
Jonathan B. - Israel & United Kingdom - rented Villa Hartland Estate in October 2015:
We are a mixed American, English family, who now live in Israel. My kids are very outdoor types, and we all fell in love with Hartland straight away, each from our own perspective. I love photography, and wood, architecture, so immediately loved all the combinations, materials and creativity used in this amazing property. My wife loves the outdoors and the kids felt they were on some fantastic adventure. We felt very much at home and on returning wanted to say thank you for creating this amazing place, and more so allowing us to spend a week there! Getting to Bali from Israel is not an easy thing (Israeli passports not allowed…..Yet, lucky we have other passports) but we would love to return one day….. And even if we don’t manage, that week in Hartland, will always be a memory kept in our hearts as a very special family moment.
Maria C. - Netherlands - rented Villa Hartland Estate in April 2015:
We found the Harltland Estate spectacular with its balinese wooden houses. They are so tasteful, charming and well integrated in the beautiful garden/nature of the villa. The view is difficult to describe with words….we enjoyed it every minute. No matter where you were in the villa, you were exposed to this calming, exuberant and spectacular view.
The staff was so friendly, warm, flexible and dedicated….. In addition, the management of the villa (this is you Wayan) organised for us every single activity which was very convenient.
We loved the food of the villa so much that we hardly went to restaurants in the 10 days we stayed there. The kids had a great time thanks to the enormous pool, the good food and the wifi.
If we come back to Bali, we will definitely try to stay here again.
Afshandokht S. - Iran - rented Villa Hartland Estate in March 2015:
Truly amazing, wonderful nature, every detail were so beautiful. Thank You for sharing this place of heaven on earth with us. Myself and my family enjoyed every second of our stay so peaceful. The staff were so kind and their services was perfect. We are going to miss Hartland but taking home a great memories.
Sirin M. - United Kingdom - rented Villa Hartland Estate in January 2015:
Heaven is a place called Hartland. Thank-you for the wonderful staff, beautiful place and a magical place to relax.
Lisa M. - Jordan - rented Villa Hartland Estate in December 2014:
Hartland is a place full of heart on a very soulful land. I was mesmerized by the beauty of the Villa and the landscape...it is sophisticated in the most simple of ways. The Villa is a haven of grace and poetic taste, it oozes with love and serenity. This is not all. The wonderful caretakers of the villa made our stay so enjoyable. We felt we were among family. They catered to everything we needed always with a smile and superb positivity They really made us feel welcome. Hartland is a truly breath taking heaven where goodness meets soulfulness.
Dunkan - United Kingdom - rented Villa Hartland Estate in April 2014:
An overnight stay turned into 3 days of blissful decompression. An Exquisite position on Sayan ridge with design features matched to its beauty. Some of the finest wood and stone architecture I have ever seen... Faultless service and tasty food... The pool was delicious fed by its own natural spring... I love Ubud...
Isabella - USA - rented Villa Hartland Estate in March 2014:
Harmony In Hartland I found harmony. The stunning landscape, the wooden buildings scattered at the top of the sacred Sayan Ridge, the comfort, the décor, the people that look after the property ... all feels in perfect balance. A sense of blessed privilege for being there cradled me and gratitude is what I left with after staying at Hartland and having experienced absolute beauty.
Marni - Canada - rented Villa Hartland Estate in February 2014:
My stay at Hartland was extraordinary. It is a place of simplicity and restraint where you are inspired to meditate on the wonders of nature. The architecture is authentically local Indonesian, wooden Javanese houses reassembled on site, brilliantly nestled into the landscape, congruous with the remarkable surroundings. The interiors have a sophisticated aesthetic; an earthy organic style created from meticulously hand crafted reclaimed iron wood, brushed with romantic and contemporary elements. Outstanding! The service was excellent, the staff most helpful when needed yet invisible at other times, the location only 10 minutes drive to the centre of Ubud but why would you ever want to leave... the meals served were exceptional, both Balinese and western cuisine. Hartland is a seamless transition between indoors, outdoors and beyond... I cannot recommend it highly enough.
Raoul W. - Netherlands - rented Villa Hartland Estate in December 2013:
I wanted to let you know what a fantastic time my wife and I had renting your house in Ubud for the Christmas and New Year holidays. We could not have been in a better place. The layout of the villas were perfect for having guests stay with us for the holidays, something that would have been complicated when staying in a hotel. Your staff was fabulous, they are like a family. Excellent food, loving service and for New year’s eve they organized a huge party. The rice paddy shaped pool is fantastic. Both for swimming 25 meter laps as well as for hanging by the edge overlooking the gorgeous Sayan valley. We spent many evenings under the stars enjoying the peace and quiet of your house.
Низкий Сезон | Высокий Сезон | Пиковый Сезон | |
5 спальни | $1,575 / ночь | $1,950 / ночь | $2,250 / ночь |
4 спальни | $1,450 / ночь | $1,795 / ночь | $2,095 / ночь |
Минимальное количество ночей | 3 ночей | 5 ночей | 7 ночей |
Цены указаны в долларах США за ночь и не включают сервисный сбор и государственный налог 15.5%. Цены действуют до 31 Марта, 2025 до полудня .
Dates | Seasons | ||
10 Января, 2025 | — | 13 Апреля, 2025 | Низкий Сезон |
13 Апреля, 2025 | — | 23 Апреля, 2025 | Высокий Сезон |
23 Апреля, 2025 | — | 26 Июня, 2025 | Низкий Сезон |
26 Июня, 2025 | — | 02 Августа, 2025 | Высокий Сезон |
02 Августа, 2025 | — | 17 Августа, 2025 | Пиковый Сезон |
17 Августа, 2025 | — | 01 Сентября, 2025 | Высокий Сезон |
01 Сентября, 2025 | — | 19 Декабря, 2025 | Низкий Сезон |
19 Декабря, 2025 | — | 10 Января, 2026 | Пиковый Сезон |
10 Января, 2026 | — | 31 Марта, 2026 | Низкий Сезон |
31 Марта, 2026 | — | 12 Апреля, 2026 | Высокий Сезон |
12 Апреля, 2026 | — | 26 Июня, 2026 | Низкий Сезон |
26 Июня, 2026 | — | 02 Августа, 2026 | Высокий Сезон |
(11.2 km) Вилла Nag Shampa Estate с 8 спальнями и 5 бассейнами расположена недалеко от горного городка Убуд (Ubud), в тихой деревне Таро, где древний ритм жизни, молитвы и церемоний, сложившийся много веков назад, существует и сегодня. Вилла Nag Shampa, являющаяся частной отступающей ...
(3 km) Villa Kamaniiya - это обширное поместье площадью 1 гектар в Убуд Бали с первоклассным тропическим пейзажем в духовной деревне Саян. Вилла Kamaniiya с 5 спальнями является образцом островной элегантности и была тщательно разработана, чтобы отдать дань богатому ...
Чтобы заказать виллу, лучше всего связаться с нами по электронной почте. Мы отвечаем на большинство запросов в течении суток. Помимо этого в наши рабочие часы вы можете связаться с нами в режиме онлайн через специальный чат на нашем сайте, через skype или по телефону. Мы всегда постараемся ответить на ваш запрос как можно скорее: в течение 24 часов в рабочие дни или в понедельник в том случае, если запрос отправлен в выходные.
Мы принимаем оплату карточками Visa и MasterCard, а также банковскими переводами в долларах США (TT). ![]() |
10 минут (4.4 км) на машине до Cultural town of Ubud, 65 минут (29.7 км) на машине до Seminyak Night Life, 65 минут (38.4 км) на машине до Bali's Ngurah Rai International Airport.